Mineral Wells TX Singing Lessons

Discover How To Master singing in 7 Days

Mineral Wells  Texas singing lessons
Is learning to how to sign often boring, hard, and frustrating? Do you regularly browse the web for free lessons and look for help from internet discussion boards, but get little results? Maybe you Have bought all the books and quit?

You can learn anything you want, after learning Harmony Singing’s 5-Steps to Success System. In this system, we teach you the five things every expert singer already knows; like how to use rhythm and time, trace patterns, playing from tablature and by ear.

For over twenty years, We have been sharing our passion for singing with all ages. Our students range from 4-year-olds to 74-year-olds, beginners to advanced.

Private Singing Lessons

Lessons are custom-tailored to the student’s goals and stylistic preferences,such as classical, pop, rock, praise, folk, blues, and more.

Where we Teach:

Mineral Wells  Texas sing lessons

  • At all of Harmony’s studios or at your home in/or near Mineral Wells .
  • We also provide singing lessons at any home within 20 minutes of Mineral Wells TX.

    Who we Teach:

  • All ages: 4 through 104 years old.
  • All skillsets: Novice through Performance-level (blank).

    What we Teach:

    1. Standard Theory, like rhythm and time (blank)

    2. Span identification or the “notes”

    3. Trace patterns of how to feel the intervals in the fingers, and finally

    4. The peripheral line exercise that keeps the eye on the page while reading music.

    When these levels are completed (in about 4-7 lessons) the student sight-reads specific songs in class in the monitored presence of the teacher. Over time the songs get gradually more advanced to the degree that a student could eventually read almost any piece of music.

    What you Need:

  • A voice
  • Everything else supplied by your trainer. Such as:

    water and/or snack and tablature.

    Mineral Wells ’s Best Singing Lessons

    Testimonials From Mineral Wells

    “I took lessons as a child and played as an adult for many years but stopped after injuring my hand. Now that I am retired I want to play again and I needed a teacher.
    I was so lucky to find Harmony singing Lessons via his web site, and I have been studying with them for 6 months.
    –Marsha in Mineral Wells

    “Thank you for sharing your passion for music with Alyssa-you have given her what I know will be the lifelong gift of singing.
    We will never forget coming to your cozy, peaceful, corner of the world. Nor will we forget your sense of humor, impeccable teaching skills-and most of all, your respect and dedication to your students.
    We will miss you and be searching for your clone in Canada.”

    –J. Young from Mineral Wells , TX (now in Canada)

    “When Sophia comes back from her singing lesson, she’s flying . . . It’s just the music, but the feeling of success. ”

    –Toni M. in Mineral Wells , TX

    “Our family can’t thank you enough. You have given Sophia a tremendous foundation on which to build a musical life. ”

    –Mike M. in Mineral Wells , TX

    “I was searching for a mentor to my teaching practice- and feel so grateful to have found you. Your guidance has been invaluable.
    I’ve learned SO much from you and just want to let you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve taught me! Specifically: Memorization, the falling technique and of course, all the material for teaching songs and chords to children. Invaluable and memorable! ”

    –Lisa M. Lukas in Mineral Wells , TX

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