Racine WI Spanish Lessons

Racine  Wisconsin Spanish tutors

Our use of visual aids assists students to retain the Spanish language lesson and makes the course more exciting. Clear explanations of basic sentence structure are accompanied by exercises designed to set the language patterns and structures in the mind of the student. To learn Spanish easily, uncomplicated dialogues are utilized intended for everyday situations found in a Spanish country. You will learn how to speak Spanish in situations such as meeting people, ordering meals in restaurants, shopping for clothing and accessories, going to the super market and going to the doctor. You will learn useful expressions, folkloric songs, and much more!

Our Racine Spanish Tutors Teach:

Develops terminology plus proficiency

Enhances your conversational skills

-Find out how to read short stories

-Practice everyday dialogues and dialects

-Learn cultural characteristics (optional)

Who we Teach:

  • All ages: 4 – 104 years old.

  • All skillsets: Beginner through Professional Advanced.

    Where we Teach:

    Racine  Wisconsin Spanish tutors

    At any of the best classrooms or at your home in/or near Racine .

    What you Need:

  • A tablet or paper (for all Spanish tutors), pen and or pencil.

  • Everything else will be provided by your instructor.

    Racine ’s Best Spanish Tutors

    Racine Spanish Tutors Spanish Class Testimonials

    Racine  Wisconsin Spanish tutors

    ”I have attended Racine Spanish tutors at the Spanish Language Center for a twelve months now. I am particularly impressed with my instructor’s (Lourdes) knowledge of Spanish grammar . She makes learning fun and easy. “
    -Ron in Racine . WI

    ”Just what a fantastic institution that made a difference in people lives by teaching people Spanish as a second language. I had a great time going to tutors there, the teachers were just great and was always caring and making sure the teaching was understood .”
    C. Campo, in Racine . WI

    “During my several months stay in Racine last fall I discovered Step into Spanish tutors a unique place to study Spanish . For me as a foreign visitor the Step into Spanish tutors represents a multi cultural platform that successfully links diverse communities and as not such is usually found in Racine . “
    E. Timmerer, WI

    ”The Spanish tutors I took at Step into Spanish tutors offered my first experience of speaking real-life Spanish in a classroom, . Bernardo, the CEO of Step into Spanish tutors, was critical for making me feel comfortable enough to try speaking , and I was excited to speak a bit of Spanish without fainting from fear. But what was life changing for me was the incredible energy and atmosphere of Step into Spanish tutors.”
    Allana Grecko, Racine , WI

    One of the best places to learn Spanish and about the diverse cultures that have the Spanish language . Maria is genuinely an inspired teacher and his vision needs to continue to have the home it’s been thriving in.”
    -M. Rose De Cruz, Racine , WI

    ”Step into Spanish tutors is wonderful community center which thrives . At Step into Spanish tutors I met world class musicians, medical professionals, writers- even a Rockette! The center is about so much more than the wonderful language tutors it provides; it’s about creating community through communication.”
    -Sara Mortimore

    “I studied at Step into Spanish tutors before moving to Buenos Aires, Argentina . I was very impressed by the rigor of Step into Spanish tutors program, the warmth of its instructors, and the programming. Losing Step into Spanish tutors would be a great disappointment to every person in Racine that values culture, and the vitality here.. “
    -E. Benson, Racine , WI

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